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Celine & Andrew Civil Ceremony

December 2018

Perhaps we should start this story by thanking this Groomsman for persuading Andrew to accompany him to Chinese class. For some reason, Andrew agreed to attend and this decision set him on the path to a serendipitous meeting.

When the couple first met in Chinese class, Andrew was immediately taken in by Celine. Like any know-it-all lawyer, Celine knew the answers to everything in class. And like any enterprising banker, Andrew used her knowledge to consolidate his learnings and as a convenient reason to speak more with his love interest.

Andrew would try to impress her by sending elaborate greetings in Chinese with the aid of Google translate. Andrew eventually mustered up the courage to ask Celine out.

Since their first date and until this very day, they have not gone a single day without speaking to each other and hardly a day without seeing each other. From very early on in their relationship they both felt an undeniable attraction and connection towards each other.

When the time came for Celine to follow her dreams to see more of the world, Andrew was gracious enough to follow and trade-in his beautiful bright home in Melbourne for a mouldy old shoebox in London.

Andrew and Celine travelled like crazy whilst in London. They were the perfect partners for adventure. Amongst other things, Andrew found out that he could take advantage of unlimited access to Celine as his travel agent and Celine found out that she could take advantage of unlimited access to Andrew as her history guide.

Andrew knew early on that he and Celine were compatible and began his research of a worthy diamond a year before he planned to propose. He often joked with friends that they were visiting Hatton Gardens (a street famous for engagement rings in London) when it was him who was there, spending much time and effort in research and designing the perfect ring for Celine and her particular good tastes.

After Andrew's romantic proposal to Celine in Tuscany, they moved back to Melbourne and are delighted to be sharing this momentous occasion with you today, as we bear witness to the start of their next chapter.

Celine and I have been friends for 8 years. I admired this stunning and intelligent beauty the moment I met her, and immediately proceeded to inform her that she was my girl crush. Celine is a wonderful and caring friend who has been there for me whenever I have needed her, and I know she means the world to many of you here today too. I have spent countless hours with you both and couldn’t be happier that your decisions to enrol in Chinese classes have led you to find your soul mates.


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